Beef Lok Lak with Kampot Pepper Sauce

level: Easy Total time : 20minsPortions: 2

It is one of the most popular food not only in Asia and the people mainly soak the beef with pepper sauce for even better taste.

  • 200g: Beef
  • 1: Onion
  • 100g: Lettuce
  • 100g: Mushroom
  • 1: Ripe tomato
  • 2: Eggs
  • 50g: Kompot Pepper
  • 50g: Garlic
  • 1: Lemon
  • Favor: Seasoning
STEP 1. Meat
Clean the beef and slide it into the shape you want then soak with some seasoning like: salt, sugar, pepper oyster sauce, tomato sauce and other ingredents that you want then merinate it in 1 place

STP 2. Vegetables
Clean all vegtables and decore it on the plate as you want or you can follow as in the video below. For mushroom, you slide it as you want then keep it a side or if you don't like, you don't have to put it in your food.

STEP 3. Dressing/Sauce (Kompot Pepper Sauce)
Add some desire amount of kompot pepper to the small plate then add chopped garlic inside and add some seasoning like surgar, salt and lemon inside then stire all ingredients well.

STEP 4. How to cook
Add cooking oil in a hot frying pan then add chopped garlic. Once garlic turns to golden brown color, you can add marinated meet inside then stire it well and wait it to well done meat or medium rare meat as you desire and add mushroom inside and wait once the it is done you can put it on the decorated plated of vegetable then keep it aside. Start fry the eggs for topping on the meat. Once ewverything is done, it is ready to serve and don't forget to deep the meat with sauce a better taste. Please enjoy your food.